Wise Leadership at the UMKC School of Nursing

Friday I did a training session for PhD nursing students at the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Nursing.

UMKC School of Nursing

The session was successful and I think I have a satisfied client. But what I’d like to talk about today is my admiration for the leadership at UMKC School of Nursing. When I walked in and made contact with the receptionist, she was very positive, upbeat and helpful. That gave me a clue that there was a good workplace culture there. Before the day was over I understood why.

Shortly before my session with the students was to begin, my contact asked me if it would be ok to include staff in the session. “Of course,” I replied. Shortly staff members began filing into the room. One of them was a very elegant, professional looking woman.

“You’re not a student, are you?” I asked.

“No,” She replied, “I’m the Dean.”

Wow. Before long all of us, students, faculty, staff (including the dean) and yours truly were laughing and learning together. In that classroom we were equals.

That kind of leadership explains why staff are so cheerful and productive.

Congratulations Dean Lacey-Haun, and Associate Dean Patricia Kelly.

Trying out new blog

Shaun is helping me try out the new blog he created for me.